

Our articles will learn you how to care about embroidery and cross-stitching. Also about the technique of decorative stitches, as stem stitch, back stitch and many other interesting information.

How to choose count of Aida fabric
How to choose count of Aida fabric
So you have chosen your pattern and are about to embroider, but here comes the question: what cut of canvas do I need to get? Anyone practicing embroidery is sooner or later to face this issue. Now..
172.2K 4Read more
Subscribe our youtube channel
Subscribe our youtube channel
We are glad to inform you that you can watch our news, reviews and video tutorials on our channel on Youtube (click to subscribe!). For example, a video like "Panda Set Embroidery":
23.1K 5Read more
Embroidery is useful for your kid
Embroidery is useful for your kid
A lot of parents wonder when they should start teaching their kids the basics of handicraft. Some aren’t sure if that’s a good idea altogether.It is believed that 5 or 7-year-old kids are ready to ..
14.1K 3Read more
Lyudmyla Yermilova: who is she
Lyudmyla Yermilova: who is she
Dear friends! We’d like you to get to know us better, so allow us to tell you about every member of our team in detail.We’ll start with Lyudmyla Yermilova, our Head Designer. Here we go:Lyuda w..
11.8K 3Read more
Stem Stitch
Stem Stitch
Stem stitch is one of the most popular types of decorative stitches. It is used in cross stitch to accentuate something or embroider certain elements, for instance, fragments of flowers, grass, etc...
14.1K 3Read more
Basic rules of embroidery
Basic rules of embroidery
The following simple rules will help you make sure your embroidery is neat and the process is easy and pleasurable:Wash your hands every time you start embroidering. Doing so will make it much easie..
12.5K 3Read more
Beading on canvas
Beading on canvas
Beading is not limited to satin and gabardine embroidery, it readily applies to canvas without an imprint. Meanwhile, each cell of the pattern corresponds to a cell on canvas and a single bead. The pa..
33.5K 3Read more
How Do I Care About My Embroidery?
How Do I Care About My Embroidery?
Here comes a last stitch for your picture! Finally :)) Time for some polishing and fine-tuning to hang it on the wall or present your piece of art to your significant other. You and your neighbours..
18.1K 4Read more
Buttonhole stitch in detail
Buttonhole stitch in detail
Buttonhole stitch is a marginal stitch variety. It applies to processing margins both for embroidery and knitted fabric. We will start with explaining basic types of the buttonhole stitch. Prior to p..
105.7K 3Read more
What? French Knot? – Take it easy ;-)
What? French Knot? – Take it easy ;-)
French knot is a little yet critical item indispensable for certain embroideries. Such a knot is extremely necessary, if the cross looks too big while a pearlet sounds rough. It is easy to perform, a ..
42.0K 4Read more
Sewing Clutch with Povitrulya
Sewing Clutch with Povitrulya
The embroidery on the fabric for clutch just finished. What's up? What is the perfect way to sew a stylish and neat handbag? Just follow the user-friendly guidance below. The Povitrulya kit includes:..
16.0K 4Read more
Beaded Embroidery
Beaded Embroidery
Here you can learn the beaded embroidery technique as used in the satin and gaberdine with Poviitrulia TM pattern applied. The design of any patterns by Poviitrulia TM targets the Chezh beads by Prec..
12.5K 4Read more
Mate Your Vyshyvanka with Your Soul
Mate Your Vyshyvanka with Your Soul
Choosing proper vyshyvanka shall only observe two components: true quality and custom approach. No matter how odd it may sound, in decades since Ukraine's Independence buying a true vyshyvanka is stil..
9.0K 5Read more