Beaded Embroidery

Here you can learn the beaded embroidery technique as used in the satin and gaberdine with Poviitrulia TM pattern applied.
The design of any patterns by Poviitrulia TM targets the Chezh beads by Preciosa No. 10. These beads are the most widespread in Ukraine. You will easily find them at any needlework shop.
The fabric for embroidery has rings of various colours that indicate the spot for a bead to place, while the black spots indicate where the needle is to get in and out.
The beading provides for the half cross stitching. That will create vertical or horizontal stitches of the same length on the opposite side. Make sure the stitches are inclined in the same direction, otherwise the bead rows arrange in a pine pattern. The threads shall have a uniform tension so that the fabric do not shrink while the beads do not slack.
Please note the hole of beads of the same grade No. may vary by shape. It can be round or square. Take care to avoid mixing such beads in handiwork – the colouration will not be uniform.
When stitching black beads on a pattern, black thread fits best. Light threads would stand apart in any light showing through the beads. The image will disintegrate.
Processing your embroidery, do not crumple, turn down or bend the fabric. That will facilitate fine-tuning for the embroidery that that you complete. Should the fabric get turned down anyway, carefully iron the opposite of your embroidery.
1) Iron on a soft surface;
2) Set Synthetic Fabric mode for ironing. Prior to ironing the handiwork, carefully examine the iron temperature at the edge of fabric. Otherwise, your embroidery may burn through.
If you work a design on a towel, cloth or gown, ensure the beads retain their colour, as appropriate. Dip some pearlets and drop them on a white fabric afterwards. If no trace remains, go ahead to the beadworking.
Enjoy your time!