"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit
"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit
"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit
"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit
"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit
"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit
"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit

"Wheel of the Year" - Counted Cross Stitch Kit

Product Code: P8-019
In Stock

☀️ "Wheel of the Year" - counted cross stitch kit with an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by a range of modern pagans, marking the year's chief solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the midpoints between them. Pagan festivals that rely on the Wheel are based to varying degrees on folk traditions, regardless of actual historical pagan practices. - WIKI. ☘.
✌️ The "Wheel of the Year" embroidery will decorate the home of a person who believes in magic and may be a wizard himself. It will also appeal to people who feel a connection to their ancestors and sympathize with Wicca.

The Wheel of the Year is a Pagan or Wiccan tradition that divides the year into eight Sabbats, each marking a key point in the cycle of the seasons. These Sabbats are celebrated as follows:

  • Samhain – October 31st to November 1st. A festival of the dead, marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. Often seen as the "Pagan New Year." 
  • Yule (Winter Solstice) – Around December 21st-22nd. The longest night and the rebirth of the sun. Celebrated as a time of renewal, light, and hope. 
  • Imbolc – February 1st-2nd. A festival of purification and light, associated with the goddess Brigid and the early stirrings of spring. 
  • Ostara (Spring Equinox) – Around March 20th-21st. A celebration of balance, fertility, and renewal, marking the coming of spring. 
  • Beltane – April 30th to May 1st. A fire festival celebrating fertility, passion, and the blossoming of life. A time of union and growth. 
  • Litha (Summer Solstice or Midsummer) – Around June 20th-21st. The longest day of the year, symbolizing the peak of the sun's power and the height of the growing season. 
  • Lammas (Lughnasadh) – August 1st. A harvest festival celebrating the first fruits and grains. It is a time of thanksgiving and abundance. 
  • Mabon (Autumn Equinox) – Around September 20th-23rd. A time of balance, thanksgiving for the harvest, and preparation for the coming winter months.

These eight Sabbats form a continuous cycle, representing the progression of life, death, and rebirth in nature. They also tie into the lunar and solar cycles, with each one marking a specific point in the year.

☝️ Partly stitched: this cross stitch kit does not require you to work the entire background. This way, the embroidery workflow doesn't take much time and the resulting piece is just wonderful.

☝️ The embroidery process develops fine motor skills, has a positive effect on your nervous system, and the finished design will delight you with its beauty!

❗ Our DIY embroidery kits include just enough thread colors to ensure a bright and quality design. You won’t have to stitch any redundant "single" crosses. Every stitch is exactly where it belongs.

✂️ Cross stitch kit details:
▫️ Size: 7.5" × 7.3" (19 × 18.5 cm);
▫️ Colors: 19;
▫️ General characteristics: full cross stitch in two strands, back stitch;
▫️ Canvas color: white.

✂️ The kit includes:
▫️ Color pattern;
▫️ 14 count Aida fabric (100% cotton);
▫️ Mouline threads (100% cotton);
▫️ Metal needle.

Thank you for visiting our store!
Best wishes,

Tags: cross stitch bookmark kit, embroidery, wheel of the year, imbolk

Cross stitch kit - Characteristics
SubjectCrests and symbols
Colors of threads17
Embroidery typeCross stitch
Size19 × 18,5 cm
Additional characteristicsa full cross in two strands, backstitch
Origin countryUkraine
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