How to choose count of Aida fabric

How to choose count of Aida fabric

So you have chosen your pattern and are about to embroider, but here comes the question: what cut of canvas do I need to get? Anyone practicing embroidery is sooner or later to face this issue. Now, let me tell you how to choose a proper size of canvas in centimeters, and what can this particular embroidery fabric be in general?

The most popular fabric for cross-stitching features Aida canvas. Its criss-crossed threads produce an even square which holes facilitate your sticking needle in and out. Aida is the way the threads criss-cross in a cloth. Each square arranges its criss-crossed threads so that two are in its mid and two are on its sides. This keeps the squares that you stitch through even and prevents any distortion. Whoever has manufactured your canvas, dealing with Aida implies the threads it is made of produce special squares for stitching facilitating your needlework greatly.

Its label, apart from and beside Aida indication, always carry a figure (sometimes combined with the word ‘count’). These are the basic details on the size of squares you are going to stitch through. The figure specifies the number of crosses to be arranged within one inch. The most popular Aida sizes include 14, 16 and 18. There are also 11 and 22, but applying these sizes is less common. Let’s take Aida 14 as an example. One inch of Aida 14 includes 14 crosses.

In order to figure out the exact dimensions of the cloth you need, divide the number of crosses in your pattern by the size of canvas that you are going to stitch on. Now, multiply the resulting number by 2.54 as 1 inch=2.54 cm.

Let’s take as an example the pattern of 50 х 60 crosses.

Aida 14: 50/14 = 3.5 inches х 2.54 = 8,89 cm; 60/14 = 4,2 inches х 2.54 = 10.67.

Aida 16: 50/16 = 3.1 inches; 60/16 = 3,75 inches;  60/16 = 3,75 inches  х 2,54 = 9,5 cm    

Aida 18: 50/18 = 2.7 inches; 60/18 = 3,75 inches;  60/18 = 3,3 inches  х 2,54 = 8,5 cm    

As you can see, the dimensions of the same layout vary from canvas to canvas.

Your computation may also base upon the number of crosses contained in 10 cm of canvas.

Aida 11 - 43 crosses in 10 cm

Aida 14 - 55 crosses in 10 cm

Aida 16 - 63 crosses in 10 cm

Aida 18 - 71 crosses in 10 cm

Aida 22 - 87 crosses in 10 cm

 Last but not least, pay attention to the inlays to be kept for trimming. In order that you can easily trim your piece of embroidery, keep the inlays of at least 5 cm at each side, lengthways and widthways. In the case of partial stitch-up (omitting one or more brims), you would allow for bigger brims. Keeping your finished embroidery in tambour requires canvas to be of a size enabling easy edge fine-sewing. For that purpose, add 5 to 8 cm to the tambour diameter.

Please note the following detail on canvas size: size marking routinely uses word “count”. This refers to the number of holes counted per linear inch of canvas. “Count” thus means the number of holes per inch of canvas. In order to find the canvas count that fits you best, take guidance from the following:

Aida No.7 is good for kids and is designed for training purposes. It is a wide braid canvas.

Aida No.11 is a rather large count. It is a perfect choice for stitching your simplest weaves, for stitching on napkins, tablecloth, carpet runners and pillows.

Aida No.14 is another great canvas size, quite easy for stitching on while delivering a sophisticated and detailed quality of your ornamentation.

Aida No.14 applies to a well-detailed embroidery and represents the most common canvas count.

Aida No.18 targets keen-eyed enthusiasts making elaborate and complex embroideries. This canvas features stippled, highly detailed stitchwork.

The Povitrulia kits include Aida No.14 and 16.

Enjoy your stitching and let embroidery be your true delight.

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