Stem Stitch

Stem Stitch

Stem stitch is one of the most popular types of decorative stitches. It is used in cross stitch to accentuate something or embroider certain elements, for instance, fragments of flowers, grass, etc. ā€“ the ones that should have more volume than the regular cross-stitch can provide. Unlike backstitch, stem stitch isnā€™t flat and sort of raises above your piece embroidery. In kits by Povitrulya, stem stitch is usually done in two threads.

So, we are now going to tell and show you the main tips on how to improve your stem stitch experience also how to make beautiful smooth turns.

1. Secure your thread on the bottom side and pass it to the front side. Then, make a stitch towards the thread. The thread and the needle should move out of the middle of the stitch (see photo).

2. Make another stitch. Now the needle will move out at the spot where the previous stitch ended. Do it over and over. When making every new stitch, make sure the thread is on the same side of the needle at all times (itā€™s at the bottom of it in our photos).

3. Where appropriate, start making a turn. Consider making smaller stitches to do it right. Hereā€™s a method to figure out where exactly you should push the needle through: every time you make a stitch, sketch a desired line with the thread and embroider along that line.

4. This way, your stitches will look neat and lovely. Have easy stitches!

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